Is it coronavirus (COVID-19), the flu, a cold or seasonal allergies?

f you start to feel sick, try not to panic or assume the worst.
• Coronavirus shares some of the same symptoms caused by the flu and colds, including fever and cough.
• Remember, we’re still in the midst of cold and flu season, plus seasonal allergies are starting to kick in. If you’re feeling sick, one of those conditions is still the most likely cause.
• For most people who are otherwise healthy, coronavirus does not cause serious health problems.
When should you seek care for coronavirus?
When you have a fever of 100.4 °F or higher, shortness of breath/difficulty breathing or a cough, call your doctor’s office or start a Virtual Visit or eVisit. If you need help, please call 704-468-8888.

In case of an emergency, please call 911.