Vapor Intrusion Workshops Scheduled for Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and Indianapolis

    Clean Vapor’s CEO Tom Hatton will be presenting 4 Easy Steps to Vapor Intrusion at the EnviroWorkshops Events on Tuesday, August 31st in PittsburghWednesday, September 1 in Cincinnati, and Thursday, September 2 in Indianapolis. Each event runs from 11:15 am and closes with after hours networking at 5 PM.

    He will be joined by speakers from Micobial Insights, Cox Colvin/ Vapor Pin, Alpha Analytical, Beacon Environmental, Stego Industries, and Pine Environmental.

    Attendees will learn a variety of vapor intrusion strategies including Active Soil Gas Sampling TechniquesEfficient Mitigation Methods and Remote Management, Advanced Passive Sorbent SamplersBelow-Slab Protection Methodologies, and Equipment and Supplies in Support of VI Applications. 

    Thanks to the workshop sponsors there is no charge to attend, lunch is provided & you will receive a certificate for 4.0 PDHs. To register for any of these three events, visit the EnviroWorkshops website.

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    We’re always looking for new opportunities and are comfortable working internationally. Please get in touch and one of our project managers will contact you about beginning the proposal process.